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    Men's Health - Total Body Workbook

    Men's Health - Total Body Workbook
    Publisher: menshealth.com | ISBN: N/A | edition unknown | PDF | 29 pages | 11 mb
    Men's Health - Total Body Workbook

    Men's Health - Total Body Workbook
    Publisher: menshealth.com | ISBN: N/A | edition unknown | PDF | 29 pages | 11 mb

    NEXT TIME you re in the gym, look around. How many of the guys are trying to build bigger arms? Lots of them, right? Few of them, unfortunately, are going to succeed. Most guys workouts won t increase the size of their arms, says David Pearson, Ph.D., of Ball State University. Many men just work until they can t lift their arms anymore, which forces in enough blood to create a great pump but does nothing to add beef.
    The only way to do that? Lift heavier...
    ... weights with good form, Pearson says.This four-part plan will take you from beginner to iron man, as you work withincreasingly heavier weights on different exercises,using shifting sets and repetitions.Result: real muscle growth for as long as you want it.

    Four Week Exercise Log
    Chapter 1: The Arms
    Chapter 2: The Chest
    Chapter 3: The Shoulder
    Chapter 4: Abs & Lower Back
    Chapter 5: Back
    Chapter 6: Legs

    download it from here

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