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  • New Maruti Cervo Car

    There are plenty of options in the price range of 3-5 Lacs. If Maruti really wants to beat Tata Nano, they have to plan the base model in the range of 1.2 Lac than only mass market will book the vehicle. Even 50% of the mass who have already booked Tata Nano and still not been delivered, will be shifted to Cervo. Target should be to convert 70% of the two wheeler riders to become Cervo customer. By making mass production, it will further reduce the cost. Common Maruti, launch the car with a 1 Lac Tag to make the Auto Segment unstable. Later on for the higher end, you can always increase your profit margin.

    Maruti Cervo Price

     It is a fuel efficient car with good mileage.The expected Maruti Cervo mileage is 22 kmpl in City and 26 kmpl on Highway.It is costlier than the TATA Nano car but is the second cheapest car in India. The new Maruti Cervo is a youth targeted car.Maruti Cervo Review is good and positive.Maruti Cervo is Easy to rive.Maruti Cervo is low price Car.Maruti Cervo is new Maruti car.Maruti Cervo.Maruti Cervo launch is expected in June/July 2010 in India.

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